You May Say I'm A Dreamer Dragonfly Crew Neck Tees

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class SpzCustomDiscountBundleProducts extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; this.getDiscountPriceApi = "\/api\/storefront\/promotion\/calculate\/discounted_price"; this.buyNowApi = "\/api\/checkout\/order"; this.batchAtcApi = "\/api\/cart\/batch"; // 款式信息集合 this.productStyleInfo = []; // 弹窗内选择款式集合 this.modalVariantInfo = []; this.show_classic_bundle_spu_style = false; this.bundleProducts = []; //捆绑商品 this.bundleConfig = {}; //下方按钮配置 this.discountId = ""; this.discountType = ""; this.discountInfo = ""; this.lineItems = []; this.tempCss = {}; this.renderQuickShop_ =, this.renderQuickShopModal.bind(this), 500); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } buildCallback() { this.setupAction_(); }; init(data = []) { this.productStyleInfo = data; } handleRequestError_(data) { this.showToast(data?.message || data?.errors?.[0] || 'Unknown error'); }; //外部组件调用传值 setBundleData(products, config = "", id = "", type = "", info = {}) { this.bundleProducts = products; if(config) { this.bundleConfig = config; this.discountId = id; this.discountType = type; this.discountInfo = info; if(type === 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE' && info.enable_min_purchase_qty && info.min_purchase_qty_type == 'spu') { this.show_classic_bundle_spu_style = true; } // 经典捆绑初始化商品数据 if(type == 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE') { this.productStyleInfo = => { return this.getFilteredVariants_(item, 'single'); }); } } } handleChangeSort() { const result = this.productStyleInfo.reduce((map, item) => { if (!map[item.product_id]) { map[item.product_id] = []; } map[item.product_id].push(item); return map; }, {}); Object.values(result).forEach((item) => { this.handleSpzVariantRender_(item, item[0].product_id); this.handleProductOption_(item[0].product_id, true); }); } // 调用spz-tag组件的doRender方法 handleSpzVariantRender_(data, id) { const spzVariantTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionSpzVariantTags-${id}`); spzVariantTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(spzVariantTag).then((api) => { api.render(data, true); }); } // 执行经典捆绑最低购买数量更新 handleMinPurchaseQtyUpdate_(data, id) { const minPruchaseQty = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionMinPurchaseQty-${id}`); minPruchaseQty && SPZ.whenApiDefined(minPruchaseQty).then((api) => { api.render(data, true); }); } // 更新价格 updateProductPrice_(data) { const bottomBtnContainer = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionBottomContainer`); if (data.length == 0) { bottomBtnContainer && SPZ.whenApiDefined(bottomBtnContainer).then((api) => { const renderInfo = { setting: this.bundleConfig, ...{ original_price: 0, received_discounts: 0, picked_qty: 0 } } api.render({original_price: 0, received_discounts: 0}, true); }); return; } const reqBody = { discount_id: this.discountId, customer: { customer_id: '', email: '', }, sales_channel: { sale_channel_type: "online", sale_channel_id: '129431' }, line_items: data } // 如果已经有一个请求在等待,那么取消这个请求 if (this.debounceTimer) { clearTimeout(this.debounceTimer); } this.debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => { this.xhr_.fetchJson(this.getDiscountPriceApi, { method: "post", body: reqBody }).then((res)=>{ // 更新商品列表价格 Object.keys(res.line_items).forEach((key) => { const currentProductPrice = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#appDiscountProductPrice-${key}`); currentProductPrice && SPZ.whenApiDefined(currentProductPrice).then((api) => { api.render(res.line_items[key], true); }); }); // 更新底部按钮总价/总折扣价 const picked_qty = data.reduce((acc, item) => { return acc + item.quantity; }, 0); bottomBtnContainer && SPZ.whenApiDefined(bottomBtnContainer).then((api) => { const data = { setting: this.bundleConfig, ...{ ...res.total_price, picked_qty } } api.render(data, true); }); }).catch((err)=>{ this.handleRequestError_(err); }).finally(()=>{ }) }, 100); } // 还原商品价格 resetProductPrice_(data) { const {price, compare_at_price, id} = data; const currentProductPrice = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#appDiscountProductPrice-${id}`); currentProductPrice && SPZ.whenApiDefined(currentProductPrice).then((api) => { api.render({total_received_discounts: price, total_price: compare_at_price}, true); }); } //处理与selector组件的交互 handleProductOption_(productId, show) { const currentProductOption = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionSelectOption-${productId}`); currentProductOption && currentProductOption.toggleAttribute('show', show); const productSelector = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionProductSelector`); productSelector && SPZ.whenApiDefined(productSelector).then((api) => { api.toggle_({option: productId, value: show}); }); } // 混搭弹窗内的前端库存校验 handleModalInventoryCheck_(data) { if(this.discountType == 'DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE' || this.discountType == 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE') { const currentVariantAddNum = this.modalVariantInfo.find((item) => item.variant_id == data.variant_id)?.quantity || 0; const quickShopBody = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-shop-body'); if(!!data.variant && currentVariantAddNum == Number(data.variant.available_quantity)) { quickShopBody && quickShopBody.setAttribute('status', 'soldout'); } else { quickShopBody && quickShopBody.setAttribute('status', 'available'); } } else { return; } } // 添加商品子款式 renderVariantTag() { let variantInfo; const quickShopBody = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-shop-body'); quickShopBody && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickShopBody).then((api) => { variantInfo = api.getVariantsData(); const productId = variantInfo.product_id; const variantId = variantInfo.variant_id; const minPruchaseQtyRender = variantInfo.product.discount_min_purchase_qty || variantInfo.variant.discount_info.discount_min_purchase_qty; if(this.discountType === 'DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE') { const index = this.productStyleInfo.findIndex((item) => item.variant_id == variantInfo.variant_id); if (index != -1) { this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity = Number(this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity) + Number(variantInfo.quantity); this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } else { this.productStyleInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo)); // 若当前商品已选中,更新商品价格 const currentProductOption = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionSelectOption-${productId}`); const isSelected = currentProductOption && currentProductOption.hasAttribute('selected'); isSelected && this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } const selectedVariantsFilter = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == productId); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(selectedVariantsFilter, productId); this.handleProductOption_(productId, true); } else { if(this.discountInfo.enable_min_purchase_qty == true && this.discountInfo.min_purchase_qty_type == 'spu' && minPruchaseQtyRender > 1) { const index = this.modalVariantInfo.findIndex((item) => item.variant_id == variantId); if (index != -1) { this.modalVariantInfo[index].quantity = Number(this.modalVariantInfo[index].quantity) + 1; } else { this.modalVariantInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo, 'classic_spu')); } const modalVariantTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#promotionModalVariantTagRender'); modalVariantTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(modalVariantTag).then((api) => { api.render(this.modalVariantInfo, true); }); this.handleModalInventoryCheck_(variantInfo); const selectedVariantsNum = this.modalVariantInfo.reduce((acc, item) => { return acc + item.quantity; }, 0); if(selectedVariantsNum == minPruchaseQtyRender) { this.handleSpzVariantRender_([this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo)], productId); this.productStyleInfo = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id != productId).concat(this.modalVariantInfo); const renderData = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == productId).map((item) => { return { ...item, is_classic_bundle_product_list_variant_tag: true } }); const classicSpuTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionClassicSpuTags-${productId}`); classicSpuTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(classicSpuTag).then((api) => { api.render(renderData, true); }); this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); const quickView = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-view'); quickView && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickView).then((api)=>{ api.close(); }); this.modalVariantInfo = []; } else { return; } } // this.productStyleInfo 中已存在与productId, variantId都相同的商品 则直接return 关闭弹窗 const isExist = this.productStyleInfo.some((item) => item.product_id == productId && item.variant_id == variantId); if (isExist) { const quickView = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-view'); quickView && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickView).then((api)=>{ api.close(); }); return; } // 若 this.productStyleInfo 中已存在与productId相同的商品,则不再添加 否则替换 const index = this.productStyleInfo.findIndex((item) => item.product_id == productId); if (index != -1) { this.productStyleInfo[index] = this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo); } else { this.productStyleInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(variantInfo)); } const selectedVariantsFilter = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == productId); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(selectedVariantsFilter, productId); this.handleMinPurchaseQtyUpdate_({discount_min_purchase_qty: minPruchaseQtyRender}, productId); this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } const quickView = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#apps-discount-quick-view'); quickView && SPZ.whenApiDefined(quickView).then((api)=>{ api.close(); }); }); } // 单变体点击添加按钮 renderSingleVariant(data) { const { product_id } = data; const currentProduct = this.bundleProducts.find((product) => == product_id); // 若当前商品已存在,则不再添加 而是更新数量 const index = this.productStyleInfo.findIndex((item) => item.product_id == product_id); if (index != -1) { this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity = Number(this.productStyleInfo[index].quantity) + 1; this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } else { this.productStyleInfo.push(this.getFilteredVariants_(currentProduct, 'single')); } const renderProductArr = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == product_id); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(renderProductArr, product_id); this.handleProductOption_(product_id, true); } // 过滤选中商品的子款式 获取有用的信息 product_id,variant_id,price,compare_at_price,quantity,title,variant_title getFilteredVariants_(data, type = '') { const { id, title, variants, inventory_tracking, inventory_policy, inventory_quantity, product_type } = data; const { product_id, variant_id, variant, quantity, product, discount_min_purchase_qty } = data; const isSingle = type == 'single'; const variantData = isSingle ? (variants[0] || data) : variant; const productData = isSingle ? data : product; let item_quantity = 0; if (this.discountType === 'DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE') { item_quantity = isSingle ? 1 : Number(quantity); } else if (type === 'classic_spu') { item_quantity = 1; } else { item_quantity = discount_min_purchase_qty || productData.discount_min_purchase_qty || variantData.discount_info.discount_min_purchase_qty || 1; } return { product_id: isSingle ? id : product_id, variant_id: variantData?.id || '', price: variantData?.price || '0.00', compare_at_price: variantData?.compare_at_price || '0.00', quantity: item_quantity, inventory_tracking: productData.inventory_tracking, inventory_policy: productData.inventory_policy, inventory_quantity: productData.inventory_quantity, product_type: productData.product_type || this.bundleProducts.find((item) => == product_id)?.product_type || this.bundleProducts.find((item) => == id)?.product_type || '', title: productData.title, variant_title: variantData? => option.value).join('/') || '', is_multi_style: productData.variants.length > 1, } } handleLoading_ (event) { const { type, action } = event; const loadingElementId = type === 'product' ? '#discount-match-drawer-products_loading' : '#apps-discount-whole-loading'; const loadingElement = document.querySelector(loadingElementId); if (loadingElement) { SPZ.whenApiDefined(loadingElement).then((api) => { if (action === 'show') { api.show_(); } else { api.close_(); } }); } } handleSelectProduct(productArr) { // 从this.productStyleInfo 过滤出选中的商品 const selectedProducts = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => productArr.includes(item.product_id)); this.updateProductPrice_(selectedProducts); } // 渲染加购弹窗内容 async renderQuickShopModal(data){ this.handleLoading_({type: 'whole', action: 'show'}); this.xhr_.fetchJson(`/api/storefront/promotion/landing_page/product?product_id=${data.product_id}&discount_id=${this.discountId}&apply_scenario=1`, { method: "get", }).then(async(res)=>{ //flash主题放block有层级问题 if(/Flash/.test(window.C_SETTINGS.theme.merchant_theme_name) && document.querySelector(".productInfoSection")) { this.tempCss.zIndex = document.querySelector(".product-info-body").style.zIndex; document.querySelector('.product-info-body').style.zIndex="1048"; } this.handleLoading_({type: 'whole', action: 'close'}); const $quickShop = await SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.querySelector('#apps-discount-quick-view-render')); // 定义默认渲染的子款式 const selectedVariant = res.product.variants.find((v)=> (v.available && v.is_hit_discount == true)) || res.product.variants[0]; let selectedValues = {}; selectedVariant.options.length && selectedVariant.options.forEach(item => { selectedValues[] = item.value; }) // 默认选中的 子款式、 options res.product.defaultSelectValues = selectedValues; let data = {...res.product, product:res.product, selectedVariant, show_classic_bundle_spu_style: this.show_classic_bundle_spu_style, discountType: this.discountType}; $quickShop.render(data); // 打开加购弹窗 SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.querySelector(`#apps-discount-quick-view`)).then((api)=>{; }); }).catch((err)=>{ this.handleLoading_({type: 'whole', action: 'close'}); }) } // 删除商品子款式 deleteVariantTag(data) { const { product_id, variant_id } = data; if(this.discountInfo.enable_min_purchase_qty == true && this.discountInfo.min_purchase_qty_type == 'spu') { const modalProductVariants = this.modalVariantInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == product_id && item.variant_id != variant_id); const modalVariantTag = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, '#promotionModalVariantTagRender'); modalVariantTag && SPZ.whenApiDefined(modalVariantTag).then((api) => { api.render(modalProductVariants, true); }); this.handleModalInventoryCheck_(data); this.modalVariantInfo = modalProductVariants; return; } const currentProductVariants = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.product_id == product_id && item.variant_id != variant_id); this.handleSpzVariantRender_(currentProductVariants, product_id); // 更新selectedVariants this.productStyleInfo = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => item.variant_id != variant_id); if(currentProductVariants.length > 0) { // currentProductVariants 中只要有一项是多款式商品,就更新价格 const isMultiStyle = currentProductVariants.some((item) => item.is_multi_style); isMultiStyle && this.updateProductPrice_(this.productStyleInfo); } else { this.handleProductOption_(product_id, false); this.resetProductPrice_(this.bundleProducts.find((item) => == product_id)); } } // 加购弹窗未参与活动 加购按钮不可点击 TODO 拆出来 handleNotHitDiscount_(data) { const $quickShopBody = document.querySelector('#apps-discount-quick-shop-body'); //当前子框式未命中活动 if(data.variant.is_hit_discount == false) { $quickShopBody.setAttribute('variantstatus', 'notHitDiscount') } else { $quickShopBody.setAttribute('variantstatus', '') } } setupAction_() { // 子款式 未参与活动 this.registerAction('handleNotHitDiscount', (invocation) => { const data =; this.handleNotHitDiscount_(data); }); // 渲染加购弹窗 this.registerAction('renderQuickShop', (invocation) => { const data = invocation.args; this.renderQuickShop_(data); }); this.registerAction('renderSingleVariant', (invocation) => { const data = invocation.args; this.renderSingleVariant(data); }); this.registerAction('getVariantInfo', (invocation) => { this.renderVariantTag(); }); this.registerAction('deleteVariantTag', (invocation) => { const data = invocation.args; this.deleteVariantTag(data); }); this.registerAction('getSelectedProduct', (invocation) => { const data =; this.handleSelectProduct(data); }); //TODO 加购下单逻辑单独拆组件 this.registerAction('handleClick', (data) => { if(this.discountType == 'DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE') { this.lineItems = this.productStyleInfo; } else { const selectedOptions = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelectorAll(document.body, '[id^="promotionSelectOption-"]'); const idArr = [...selectedOptions].reduce((acc, item) => { if (item.hasAttribute('selected')) { const optionValue = item.getAttribute('option'); if (optionValue) { acc.push(optionValue); } } return acc; }, []); this.lineItems = this.productStyleInfo.filter((item) => idArr.includes(item.product_id)); } const action = data.args.action === "cart"; if(action) { //add to cart this.xhr_ .fetchJson(this.batchAtcApi, { method: 'POST', body: { line_items: => { return { product_id: item.product_id, variant_id: item.variant_id, quantity: Number(item.quantity) } }) } }) .then((data) => { setTimeout(() => { window.location.href = '/cart'; }); }) .catch(async (error) => { await error.then((data) => { this.handleRequestError_(data); }); }); } else { //checkout this.xhr_ .fetchJson(this.buyNowApi, { method: 'POST', body: { line_items: (this.lineItems || []).map((product) => { return { quantity: Number(product.quantity), variant_id: product.variant_id, note: product.note || '', properties: || {} } }), refer_info: { source: 'buy_now' } } }) .then(async (data) => { if (data.state === 'success') { window.location.href =; } this.handleRequestError_(data); }) .catch(async (error) => { await error.then((data) => { this.handleRequestError_(data); }); }); } }); this.registerAction('resetModalVariantInfo', () => { //flash主题放block有层级问题 if(/Flash/.test(window.C_SETTINGS.theme.merchant_theme_name) && document.querySelector(".productInfoSection")) { document.querySelector('.product-info-body').style.zIndex = this.tempCss.zIndex; } this.modalVariantInfo = []; }); this.registerAction('handleModalInventoryCheck', (invocation) => { const data =; this.handleModalInventoryCheck_(data); }); }; }; SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-discount-bundle-products', SpzCustomDiscountBundleProducts);
class SpzCustomDiscountBundle extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.xhr_ = SPZServices.xhrFor(; this.variant_id = 'aa82d562-18e0-4700-970a-2750c9a237a8'; this.discountCardApi = "\/api\/storefront\/promotion\/product_details_page\/card"; this.productsApi = "\/api\/storefront\/promotion\/product_page\/product\/list"; this.bundleRenderElement = "appDiscountProductBundle"; this.model = { loading: false, page: 2, limit: 20, params: { count: 0, has_more: false, sort: { by: "price", direction: "asc" } } } this.discountId = ""; this.discountType = ""; this.bundleProducts = []; //捆绑活动商品 this.buttomConfig = {};//总价及下方按钮配置 this.renderDiscount =, this.discountHandel.bind(this) , 500); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } async getDiscountCardList() { const productId = '33bba7e3-7aba-4687-a49f-4cf58bb8b962'; const variantId = this.variant_id; const reqBody = { product_id: productId, variant_id: variantId, discount_types: ["DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE","DT_MIX_MATCH_BUNDLE"], discount_methods: ["DM_AUTOMATIC"], customer: { customer_id: '', email: '', } } const data = await this.xhr_.fetchJson(this.discountCardApi, { method: "post", body: reqBody }).then(res => { return res; }).catch(err => { console.error(err); }) return data; }; async discountHandel() { const $bundle = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-inner"); $bundle && SPZCore.Dom.removeElement($bundle); const data = await this.getDiscountCardList(); if(!data.discount_info || data.discount_info.discount_id === "0") { return; } //变量赋值 this.bundleProducts = data.product_info.product; this.buttomConfig = data.product_setting; this.discountId = data.discount_info.discount_id; this.discountType = data.discount_info.discount_type; this.model.params ={ count: data.product_info.count, has_more: data.product_info.has_more, sort: data.product_info.sort } //给捆绑组件传值 SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("appDiscountBundleProductsFunc")).then((api) => { api.setBundleData(this.bundleProducts, this.buttomConfig, this.discountId, this.discountType, data.discount_info); }) document.querySelector(".app_discount_bundle").dataset.discountType = data.discount_info.discount_type; SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById(this.bundleRenderElement)) .then(apis => { apis.render(data,true).then(() => { SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("bundleProductsRender")).then((api) => { api.render(data,true).then(() => { this.bindEvent_(); if(this.bundleProducts.length < 5) { document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-arrow-left").style.display="none"; document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-arrow-right").style.display="none"; } //经典捆绑渲染按钮 if(this.discountType === "DT_CLASSIC_BUNDLE") { SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("promotionBottomContainer")).then((api) => { const buttonData = { setting: this.buttomConfig, } api.render(buttonData, true); }) } }) }) }) .then(() => { document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-inner").classList.add("discount_bundle_" + data.product_setting.template_type || "vertical"); }); }); //本地调试 放商详block里 const isSection = document.querySelector( 'div[data-section-type^="shoplazza://apps/publicapp/blocks/discount_bundle/"] .app_discount_bundle' ); if(!isSection) { document.querySelector(".app_discount_bundle").classList.add("productInfoSection"); } }; // 获取加载的商品数据,拼接html模板 async loadData(cb) { // 请求数据 this.model.loading = true; //查询活动商品接口 const reqBody = { discount_id: this.discountId, page:, limit: this.model.limit, "apply_scenario": "AS_ENTITLED_PRODUCT", sort: this.model.params.sort, sales_channel: { sale_channel_type: "online", sale_channel_id: '129431' }, product_id: '33bba7e3-7aba-4687-a49f-4cf58bb8b962' } this.xhr_.fetchJson(this.productsApi, { method: "post", body: reqBody }).then(async(res)=>{ const count = res.count; this.model.params.has_more = res.has_more; if (count > 0) {; if (res.products && res.products.length > 0) { let products = => { return { ...product, url: appDiscountUtils.globalizePath(product.url), image_padding_bottom: appDiscountUtils.image_padding_bottom(product.image.width, product.image.height,'no-limit'), discount_type: this.discountType } }); // 获取商品列表渲染模板, dom挂载 const $content = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-products"); this.templates_ = SPZServices.templatesForDoc(); this.templates_.renderTemplate(document.querySelector('#appDiscountBundleProductsTemplate'), products).then((el) => { const childNodes = el.querySelectorAll('.as-render-product-item'); if (childNodes && childNodes.length > 0) { $content.append(...childNodes); } }).then(() => { //重新渲染ljs-selector const productSelector = SPZCore.Dom.scopedQuerySelector(document.body, `#promotionProductSelector`); productSelector && SPZ.whenApiDefined(productSelector).then((api) => { api.init(); }); }); this.bundleProducts = [...this.bundleProducts, ...res.products]; SPZ.whenApiDefined(document.getElementById("appDiscountBundleProductsFunc")).then((api) => { api.setBundleData(this.bundleProducts); }) // 监听load去掉灰色背景 document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('fire.load.img')); // 触发懒加载 cb && cb(products); window.lazyLoadInstance && window.lazyLoadInstance.update(); } } this.model.loading = false; }).catch((err)=>{ console.error(err); this.model.loading = false; }) }; setupAction_() { this.registerAction('shiftMove', (data) => { const $el = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-products"); const action = === "right"; const scrollwidth = action ? $el.offsetWidth : -$el.offsetWidth; $el.scrollBy({ left: scrollwidth, behavior: 'smooth' }); }); }; bindEvent_() { // 监听子款式切换,重新渲染 document.addEventListener('dj.variantChange', async(event) => { const variant = event.detail.selected; if (variant.product_id == '33bba7e3-7aba-4687-a49f-4cf58bb8b962') { this.variant_id =; } this.renderDiscount(); }); // 监听滚动,请求数据 const $el = document.querySelector(".app-discount-bundle-products"); if($el) { $el.addEventListener("scroll",, () => { const isLeft = $el.scrollLeft === 0; const isRightEnd = $el.scrollLeft + $el.offsetWidth + 10 >= $el.scrollWidth; const isBottomEnd = $el.scrollTop + $el.clientHeight + 10 >= $el.scrollHeight; const isEnd = isBottomEnd && isRightEnd; if(isEnd && this.model.params.has_more && !this.model.loading) { this.loadData(); } }, 50 )) }; }; buildCallback() { this.setupAction_(); }; mountCallback() { this.renderDiscount(); this.bindEvent_(); }; } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-discount-bundle', SpzCustomDiscountBundle);


Product Name You May Say I'm A Dreamer Dragonfly Crew Neck Tees
SPU 10103649
Gender Women
Occasion Casual
Material Purified Cotton
Please Note: All dimensions are measured manually with a deviation of 1 to 3CM     

S 40.2 102 15.4 39 28.3 72 6.9 17.5
M 41.7 106 15.8 40 28.3 72 7.1 18
L 43.3 110 16.1 41 28.9 73.5 7.3 18.5
XL 45.7 116 16.8 42.5 28.9 73.5 7.5 19
2XL 48 122 17.3 44 29.5 75 7.7 19.5
3XL 50.4 128 17.9 45.5 29.5 75 7.9 20
4XL 52.8 134 18.5 47 30.1 76.5 8.1 20.5
5XL 55.1 140 19.1 48.5 30.1 76.5 8.3 21


Campaign Details
Super limited run of tees are selling out fast!
Hurry and get one now before they are gone forever!
Product Details
Ribbed and double stitched collar
Machine-wash safe
All products are made to order and printed to the best standards available.
They do not include embellishments, such as rhinestones
Turn your T-shirt inside out;
Wash with cold water (no more than 30°C);
Do not soak in water more than 15 minutes;
Choose neutral detergent;


Shipping & Return

Shipping and return:
We offer free shipping for all orders above $69, otherwise, a delivery charge of $9.9 applies. Most packages will arrive 7 to 14 days from the date of payment. Click here for estimated shipping times and more information.
Try our stylish fits in the comfort of your own home. If you are not satisfied with the item(s), return it within 30 days from the date you receive your order for a refund to your original payment mode. The return postage fees will be at your own cost.


Clothes Material?


Shipping fee:

Super Saving(7-20Days) US$9.99

UK: US$9.5

Free Shipping over US$69

When Will My Order Ship?

Orders are usually processed and shipped within 3-5 working days of purchase.

How Long Does Shipping Take?

Shipping times vary as we ship worldwide from different fulfillment centers based on your location. The average shipping time is between 7 and 20 working days. Your tracking number will be updated 3-7 days after your order has been shipped.

*Due to the pandemic, the delivery time can take longer than the expected date. The exact delivery time depends on the local shipping company. 

Color difference description

Due to the differences in the display of various equipment screen materials, there will be a certain color difference, 

and we will try to reduce the errors as much as possible, but this problem does not belong to the product quality problem

Size deviation

Because the products are manually measured, there will be an error of about 1-3 cm. Different styles will cause different sizes. Please refer to the physical tank measurement to measure the size chart so that you can choose more suitable clothes.

How Do I Cancel An Order?

We are only able to cancel orders within the first 12 hours after the order is placed. After that, the order has most likely been processed and is preparing for shipment or has been shipped. Once this takes effect, it's out of our hands. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we pride ourselves on prompt service and this includes getting your orders out as fast as possible.

What Is Your Return Policy?

If there’s something wrong with your order (defective product, incorrect order, damaged order, etc.), please get in touch with us within 7 days of receiving your order and we’ll be happy to assist you in reviewing the case if it is approved we will be sending a replacement. Please do not return anything before we review the case, our customer service team will review the request and will send further instructions. Our store reserves the right to deny any return request.

You will be responsible for paying for your shipping costs for returning your item. Original shipping charges are not refundable.

* Cosmetics, Lingerie and underwear/shapewear are final sale for hygienic reasons.

What Methods of Payment Do You Accept?

We accept Paypal, Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express), Google Pay, Apple Pay, Debit Card, or E-Check (i.e. using your regular Bank Account)      


3. DELIVERED: This will be processed within 10– 20 business days after CS contact and the items arrive at the warehouse and are tested originally. (Note: Refunds will not include the shipping costs once it is shipped.)

If it has been longer than two weeks, please get in touch with us.

The refund will be made via the same payment method used to make the purchase.

4. Precautions for return and exchange (Very important)

Any orders that have already been packed or shipped cannot be canceled.

Any items in the Clearance Sale cannot be changed or returned.

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class SpzCustomFileUpload extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) { super(element); this.uploadCount_ = 0; this.fileList_ = []; } buildCallback() { this.action = SPZServices.actionServiceForDoc(this.element); this.registerAction('upload', (data) => { this.handleFileUpload_(data.event?.detail?.data || []); }); this.registerAction('delete', (data) => { this.handleFileDelete_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('preview', (data) => { this.handleFilePreview_(data?.args?.data); }); this.registerAction('limit', (data) => { this.handleFileLimit_(); }); this.registerAction('sizeLimit', (data) => { this.handleFileSizeLimit_(); }); } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.LOGIC; } setData_(count, file) { this.uploadCount_ = count; this.fileList_ = file; } handleFileUpload_(data) { data.forEach(i => { if(this.fileList_.some(j => j.url === i.url)) return; this.fileList_.push(i); }) this.uploadCount_++; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileUpload", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); if(this.fileList_.length >= 5){ document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'none'; } if(this.fileList_.length > 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '8px'; } } handleFileDelete_(index) { this.fileList_.splice(index, 1); this.uploadCount_--; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileDelete", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; if(this.fileList_?.length === 0){ document.querySelector('.apps-reviews-write-anonymous-box').style.marginTop = '132px'; } } handleFilePreview_(index) { const finalPreviewData = this.fileList_[index]; const filePreviewModal = document.getElementById('filePreviewModal'); const fullScreenVideo = document.getElementById('fullScreenVideo'); const fullScreenImage = document.getElementById('fullScreenImage'); const previewModalClose = document.getElementById('previewModalClose'); const previewLoading = document.getElementById('previewLoading'); = 'block'; = 'flex'; if(finalPreviewData?.type === 'video'){ const media = this.mediaParse_(this.fileList_[index]?.url); fullScreenVideo.addEventListener('canplaythrough', function() { = 'none'; }); fullScreenImage.src = ''; = 'none'; = 'block'; fullScreenVideo.src = media.mp4 || ''; } else { fullScreenImage.onload = function() { = 'none'; }; fullScreenVideo.src = ''; = 'none'; = 'block'; fullScreenImage.src = finalPreviewData.url; } previewModalClose.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'none'; }); } handleFileLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_limit || 'please do not upload files more than 5'); this.triggerEvent_("handleFileLimit"); } handleFileSizeLimit_() { alert(window.AppReviewsLocale.comment_file_size_limit || 'File size does not exceed 10M'); } clear(){ this.fileList_ = []; this.uploadCount_ = 0; sessionStorage.setItem('fileList', JSON.stringify(this.fileList_)); this.triggerEvent_("handleClear", { count: this.uploadCount_, files: this.fileList_}); document.querySelector('#review_upload').style.display = 'block'; } mediaParse_(url) { var result = {}; try { url.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function (str, key, value) { try { result[key] = decodeURIComponent(value); } catch (e) { result[key] = value; } }); result.preview_image = url.split('?')[0]; } catch (e) {}; return result; } triggerEvent_(name, data) { const event = SPZUtils.Event.create(, name, data); this.action.trigger(this.element, name, event); } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-file-upload', SpzCustomFileUpload);
The review would not show in product details on storefront since it does not support to.
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